In this post I am going to talk about those designs which are drawn using dots, but here the lines are drawn in such a way that when the design is completed, the dots cannot be made out. That is when lines are drawn connecting these dots, they merge into the lines and one cannot make out the dots. However for your convenience I am drawing the designs in such a manner that you can make out the dots.
Before showing you the designs, let us first know the different ways dots are placed. There are three types;
This is nXn ie like a square

This is called dots placed opposite to each other. At each line one on each side is left out in the next row-say 7, 5,3,1 etc. The row with maximum dots is called the main row and the dots are placed similarly on either side.

This is called in between or center dots, ie, in each row the dots are placed in the center of the two dots of the above row; say, 5,4,3,2,,1 etc. The row with maximum dots is called the main row and the dots are placed similarly on either side.
Now here are the designs.

Now I have completed the explanation part regarding the Basics of Rangoli. From now on I will be posting the designs. Hope these tutorials are clear enough to understand.
I would like to know if any one wants to know more on this subject. Please let me know. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. So long...
Hi sailaja nice work..keep going best of luck
Good job. I love ur blog. Helped me lot during festivals as I could try all sorts of new designs from you.
Thank u
Thank You Nandini. Keep Watching for new ones as Diwali is approaching....
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