Thursday, December 26, 2013


Here is one more chain Rangoli. This is 5X5 block developed into the bigger one. 

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Rangoli-288-Borders 20

Here are some Borders for Rangolis for this festive season:

These are free hand drawings-no dots. I have used the colours to reflect the festive spirit. You can either draw with white rangoli powder and fill in colours or directly use colour powders. 

You can use these as edges to Rangolis or use them on their own at doorsteps etc. 


Christmas Special-Rangoli

This is 20 dots 4 rows in the center to 4 dots-straight dots. 

I have chosen candles, bells, holly and berries, gifts with rose in the center to reflect the festive spirit. Hope you like it.

May the Christmas season
fill your home with joy,
your heart with love

and your life with laughter.

May your Christmas 
sparkle with 
moments of love, 
laughter and goodwill,
And may the year ahead 
be full of contentment and joy.

Wishing You All A Merry Christmas....

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