Friday, March 23, 2012

Rangoli-187- Borders 19

Ugadi Special

I wanted to post these yesterday or at the most early this morning. But I had some problem with my computer and also there were frequent power cuts due to some problem in the power connection. In fact I scribbled these borders in a hurry. I had noted down so many but could not put them on paper properly so that I can post. Well I will keep on posting them when ever I can.

Actually these have been inspired by the Chaitra Maasam(The Month of Chaitra) when it is Spring season known as Vasanta Ruthuvu. So these can be drawn for the Ugadi or through out Chgaitra Navaratris starting from Today ending on 1st April with Rama Navami. Goddess Durga is worshiped like during Dussehara. Lord Rama is also worshiped.

 The inspiration for these borders are mango leaves and mangoes.
For some of these borders, I have shown you how to draw with dots. Because it is easy to draw on ground with dots. it is difficult to keep in mind the size and symmetry when we are actually drawing on the ground. If one is a good artist and is confident one need not use dots. These can be drawn free hand.

These can be drawn with white powder and filled with colour or only out lines can be drawn with coloured powders or use one colour for outline and one for filling.

Well watch out for more.......