Sunday, September 18, 2011

Three Cheers!

At last after an year of buying my sewing machine, I bought the table and chair for it. I have not fully acquainted myself with this new machine.

I learnt sewing on my Mom's 45 year old Usha hand machine. My Mom is very good with it. She used to sew all her sari blouses and still does. All our clothes right from our child hood  to our teens were stitched by her.

Previous to that, she used to sew by hand and my late aunt, used to always praise my Mom's sewing. She used to say that my Mom's stitching was so perfect that it looked as if stitched by a sewing machine. My Mom also embroiders very beautifully.

My passion in Needle Work is genetical :) :) and  I got it from my Maternal Grand Mother and My Mom. All my maternal aunts are very proficient in sewing, embroidery and other crafts. 

Well I am going to take some time out for my self in the next month after I finish my present project. It has taken its toll on me and I feel so tired and burnt out after working long and heavy schedules. I need to revive my self. So what better than Arts N Crafts therapy? 

I am eagerly looking forward to it.....