Monday, May 9, 2011

Learn With Me-Macramé

I have been thinking of trying my hand at Macramé for so long. On one of my trips to buy some plastic ropes for my clothes line, I happened to visit one shop which was selling amongst many things, some cords. I picked up a few varieties thinking of trying out something out of it. I was thinking of Crochet actually.

But These are good for Macramé. Have a look at some of the cords.
These are three of the colours I picked up. I also bought some more colours, but could not photograph them. I will post them later.

This is a gold cord with green and red highlights. I liked its grand look. I am trying out some knots and also trying out my hand at some projects. So I am going to post my experiments.

So come learn with me Macramé...I am going to post some tutorials of knots as well as my projects......

Keep an eye on my blog.........