Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friday-Free Patterns

Sorry folks I am again late in posting my free pattern. I am not keeping good health and it is quite hot here. So it is really difficult with the frequent and prolonged power cuts to attempt any thing at all. For the past three days, I have been trying to upload my pattern and because of power cuts, I had to try again and again and I finally gave up.

Today power just returned so hopefully I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can at least post today. Any way here it is:

It is dancing women once again. Folk/tribal motifs. 

Singing and dancing during celebrations is quite a common feature with various tribes and rural folk. These people work very hard and are very simple at heart. They lead simple lives too away from all the hustle and bustle. Their day starts early with the sun rise and ends with the sun set. During the day they work hard practising their traditional occupations of agriculture, cattle rearing, basket weaving, pot making or something like that. 

They sell their produce in the local markets on the market days. With what little they earn they buy those things which they cannot produce themselves. 

At the end of day, they eat what little they have and enjoy a drink or two. In olden days the only entertainment they had was singing and dancing in groups. Now perhaps some may have TV sets. Still singing and dancing are a must in celebrations-whether it is a marriage or a birth or festivals.

So their art-usually on the walls of their mud huts reflect their daily chores or  dancing etc. These motifs are from Bengal, painted on a sari I bought. Very simple but reflecting the folk art and culture.

Hope you like them....

Friday, April 29, 2011

At Last!

I am a very passionate gardener. Well what ever I take up, I do it passionately. Anyway, I have had many a success and also failures in my gardening ventures.No one can be totally successful.

Plants are like children and pets. They need so much care, looking after and love. Even after that they may not survive. I talk to them, coax them admonish plants can understand all this. I also sing to them mostly when ever I get a chance..that takes care of my daily riyaz(practise)...:)

Well one of my failures which consistently repeated itself was fruiting of Papaya. You know during the past so many years I have planted so many Papaya plants. I used to nourish them carefully but when they start to flower only then I would know that they were all male trees. They give out flowers at the end of long stalks and no fruit. I had to remove the plant. Well my family and friends used to make fun of me. There was no way of avoiding this as one cannot know it till it flowers.

This went on year after year......

But now Thank God the Jinx has been broken. My Papaya plant turned out well and this is my first fruit. 

So I am celebrating....:)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Recycled Crafts

Bird Feed

Our grand mothers and mothers never threw out any thing unless it was totally useless. They first of all used less, then recycled and reused. Many a foll made fun of it or laughed branding them as misers. But my gran and my mom always followed the principles of waste not, Want not, a Penny saved is Penny earned ....They had huge families to look after with friends and relatives dropping in. The men were not bothered about the nitty-gritties of home management. It was the domain of the lady of the house. So how did they manage all those expenses yet ended up saving something for the rainy day? By spending only when required, recycling, reusing and helping others by giving away what they did not require. 

I admire the philosophy and follow it. These days it has become a fashion and also a need for such a policy.

I wanted to share with you some recycled crafts for long. But did not get time to do them. However since it is summer and kids are having holidays, this the best time to post them so that they can try it.

Here is a feeder with water for the birds. This is very simple and easy to make.

A plastic plate
Two containers
3 Twigs
Jute twine

I had some much used Melamine plates. I wanted to recycle them so used one in this project. The containers I used for the feed and water were a discarded melamine cup and a snack container-both of which I would have thrown other wise. Jute twine we have plenty at home for various purposes like typing up plants amongst other things. The twigs are from the curry leaf tree. Once in six months we need to trim it heavily to get fresh leaves. This time we saved some twigs. These twigs (small ones) are also used as tooth brushes and are good for teeth. You cane use any thing even bamboo.

Actually this project was started to pacify my niece who was bored and started crying. She could not go out and play because of the hot Sun. So she made this under my supervision.

Step 1
I have selected twigs and cut them to all to required size. 

Step 2
Tie the ends of the twigs placed in triangular shape, with the twine and secure it tightly with knots. 
Alternately you can make a square one

Step 3
Cut 6/9 strands of twine equal in length sufficient enough to hang it from the branch. Take two strands and make a twisted rope or take three strands and make a braid. Make 3 ropes for each side.

Step 4
Tie these ropes to each of the edges of the triangle we made of the twigs. Secure them properly. Now hold all the 3 ropes together at the top, adjust and tie them with tow or three knots.

Step 5
Select a shady place on one of the trees in your garden and hang it. Now place the plate. Adjust it so that it sits properly. Place the containers in it and add bird feed and water. Change the water daily once or twice as required. We can also add slices of fruits and vegetables to the plate.
My niece placed some stones in the plate to balance it and save it from winds as well as give it some natural look.

Just try it out and see.