Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feel so tired...

I feel so tired these days, with the season so hot. Moreover the activity of making pickles and all other such items involves lot of time and hard work. Once this hot summer days are gone and monsoon sets in, we cannot do all these preserving of fruits and vegetables.

So, by the end of the day I feel tired and don't feel like doing any thing at all. I have so many projects in various stages. Daily when I get up in the morning I think, today I will do this and I will do that. But by the end of the day I do so many things but not the ones I thought of doing.

I am lagging behind in TAST 2010 too...Will give it a try till this week end as I have to leave yet on another trip during the week end...

I have bought a new sewing machine. But am yet to get my hands on it properly. I can stitch 50 or something stitches on it. Need lots of practise on it.

And I have a quite some interesting projects lined up. I think I will finish at least two or three and post them for you... perhaps even do tutorials...

So keep an eye on my blog dears... You may be surprised...Till then...