Sunday, March 28, 2010


Here is a small one
This is 9 to 1. You can see the dots.

Indian Villages-3

These are some more photographs from my travels. I hope you like them.
You can see our women folk be it urban or rural strive hard rather more than men. But they dont get equal pay or recognition. Many a time its the lady of the house who supports the family members through her earnings. Here you can see some work relating to laying or road going on along the high way. See the way the ladies wear their saris. This is the way women (especially rural women) wear it when they work in fields.

Below is a fruit vendor selling, watermelons. Its quite hot in summer in India. So you see such vendors on the roadside. Its a very cheap and effective way to quench thirst.

Below you can see the coconut seller. These are tender ones with lot of water only. As the fruit ripens, the meat appears. Tender cocnut water is highly nutritious and good during summertime as it not only quenches thirst but also energizes by supplying salts and other nutrients like water melons. Its quite popular drink in South India.

You can also see a cobbler sitting under an umbrella mending footwear. Their tools are so simple. You can also see a little Panwala-beetle leaves and beetle nut seller who sell nut powder, cigarettes and bidis.

You can see fruit sellers selling various fruits of the season. They just have a plastic sheet or an old bedsheets to protect them from heat and dust during the hot summers. Its mostly apples, oranges, grapes during the early summer months. Lateron its musk melons, water melons, cucumbers and the likes. You can see a milk man on his bike, with his cans. Since it was in the afternoon, he might have been on his way home after selling the milk in the morning.

Below you can see the green fields, dotted with palms and grooves. I feel at peace when I look at such sights. I wish I could be there to enjoy them.


Here are some more of the terracotta.... Hope you like them. Please leave your comments.
You can see little Ganesha hugging Shiva Linga. You can also see the vases in the back ground, painted in metallic shades. On one of them you can see fishes and underwater plants, on the other you can see the bunches of the grapes.
This is the face of Ganesha. This can be hanged on to a wall. See the way it has been decorated.
These are some of the shell and conch shell shaped plant holders. These can also be used for other purposes depending upon our creativity.
Here are some more plant holders. These can also be used as decorators. It can filled with water and then flowers can be floated in them or fragrant candles can also be floated.
Here you can see some more wall decorators.You can see the Sun God riding the chariot with seven horses, representing the seven colours of VIBGYOR. Then there is the fish. Next to it is again Sun God.You can also see the conch shell and lamp container.
Now here is the Soop (in Hindi) and Chaata (in Telugu), which is widely used in Indian Kitchens. It is made of bamboo strips woven like a basket. It is coated with cow dung, or pulp of fenugreek seeds and paper soaked over night in water, grounded to a thick paste along with turmeric. This seals the holes between the woven bamboo strips and retains the grains in it . This is basically used to separate the husk , small stones from the hand pounded grain. Its also used for separating the broken grains from the unbroken ones. But I could not find the correct English word for this. If some knows it then please tell me.You can see the grains. How skilled the artist is....