Sorry folks, I could not post free patterns for the past two-three weeks, as I was very busy looking after my mother. Most of my craft supplies, books etc were all stored away because of the dust they carry and my Mom is very sensitive and gets allergies easily. But now that she is recovering very well, I am relieved and happy. Now I have some time to spend on my hobbies.
Oh! my niece's summer holidays are almost over and she will go to school from Monday. Phew! What a hectic time we had with the children playing from early morning till late at night, shouting at the top of their voices, sometimes fighting and running to the elders complaining. We had to keep a steady supply of snacks, cool drinks and ices. we were kept on our toes, attending to their small accidents, fights, parties, broken glass panes and what not.
I am amazed at their energy levels. I don't think our generation at that age was so boisterous or so fast. Well now that there will be some peace restored with all the children returning to school, we elders want to enjoy and take a breather.
So I will try to post the free patterns and also on other topics more frequently.Watch out my blog for my posts, freebies, free patterns, tutorials.....