Monday, October 11, 2010

Rangoli 46

One more of the Floral Rangolis. I love flowers. This is very small and simple design. 
This is 13 to 7 dots. Flower in the center and surrounded by  leaves. The flower resembles the white flower below it is known as rekha(single petal) Nandivardhanam. 
Don't you see the similarity. Many of the folk arts, rural arts including Rangoli were inspired by every day images. These flowers are very abundant, common sight in South India and used in worshipping Lord Shiva. They flower profusely through out the year and are also very good for health. So the above Rangoli has been inspired by this flower.

I think you can notice the similarities.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rangoli 45

Yagya Vatika-3

This design is also similar to the ones I posted earlier but with Swastika in the center which is considered to be an auspicious symbol. 
So here it is.
This is the basic design with Swastika in the center.
The first step.
This is how it looks with three rounds. More can be added. This is very easy to draw and simple.

Preparing for Navratras

Hi friends. I think you are all busy preparing for the festive season. Yesterday and today, I had a very hectic day sprucing up my home and garden. But alas! though every year I follow Navratras very religiously, keeping fast offering pooja morning and evening, this year this is not possible as I have to go out again tomorrow. As you know it is very difficult to keep fast and offer prayers while one is travelling. As a child I am a very ardent devotee of Mata and have never missed out on this occasion, except for this time. But that cannot be helped. Though I cannot follow the elaborate rituals, I do meditate as this period is very auspicious.

Any way, I  still have so much to do before I leave. Wanted to shop for a nice silk Kanchivaram for me, my mom and sis. But no time at all. Also have to buy furnishings before Diwali and have to stitch them. I don't know whether I can do all this. Well I am an optimist if I start now, I can at least complete it for Sankranti..:) :) Isnt it?

I have lots of projects. When I visited Pratima's blog- here is the address:

I remembered that I have to do a lot. Especially my many unfinished projects. But with all this travelling I dont have time or energy to do any thing. Oh by the way do drop in at her blog. You can see some very lovely works. I like her blog.

Oh I was busy with some kitchen projects today. I am posting some recipes on my other blog. So just have a look. 

Well one more thing. I have this very bad habbit of doodling. I carry a sketch pad, pencils and pens and when I am travelling i.e., in the bus or train or car I keep on doodling. And when I go back to my room after a days hard and tiring work, I take out my pad and keep on doodling till I relax and forget everything. 

Be it the towns, or villages, the greenery, the scenic beauty, all motivate me. But I am afraid I don't have the time to give them all a proper shape. I want to paint them in water colours or in oils some day. 

Any way, I keep collecting, rangoli patterns, motifs-mostly folk/tribal, also from the temple architecture and create my own designs for painting and embroidery. Well I have quite a large collection. I will share them with you. But that may take time as I have to properly pen them first, and then post them. But do keep a watch. I will certainly post them.