Saturday, November 6, 2010

Diwali Greetings

A belated Diwali greetings to all of you friends.

Wishing You all A very Happy Healthy Wealthy, Prosperous Diwali .....

Actually I wanted to post so much. My net was down. Till the D-day I was travelling. The weather here was and still is quite wet and cold. we were not too sure that we would have a dry Diwali. It was very difficult for me. I could not shop earlier because of my hectic schedule and had to post pone it till the last moment. New clothes, flowers, provisions required for the special dishes prepared on the day, other things required for the pooja(prayers) and what not. 

Every year my sister and her family, some of my relatives and friends come over to our house for the celebrations. The festive lunch, dinner and pooja everything has to be taken care of for around twenty to twenty five people. Its not like I can cook before hand and keep it in my fridge. Everything has to be fresh as we offer it to the Goddess Lakshmi. Some of the sweets and salty snacks are made a day or two in advance after our traditional bath and kept separately till they are required for the pooja. These are not touched till Diwali.

Boy its very difficult to go shopping as the festival nears. The roads are chocked with vehicles and people. The vendors occupy half of the roads and obstruct traffic. Where it takes half an hour to reach, it takes you at least two to three hours because this heavy jams. Well I had to buy the earthen ware lamps. Every year we buy new ones. Then i had to buy other things like crackers and many such things. I some how finished my shopping and went back home very late and tired.

It was back breaking Diwali as usual  :)  :)... But it went of smoothly except for some minor things.  Oh got to go now. Time for me to cook the dinner. I will share details of my celebrations and lots and lots of other things in my next posts. So stay tuned....