Hi friends, it is a huge relief to know that all my medical tests went well and nothing to fear there. The reason for such a severe allergy-no body knows. May be it is stress the doc said, as I am going through a very difficult phase in my life and it is quite traumatic. But I have immense faith in God, blessings of my elders, wishes of my friends.
I would like to thank all my friends, who have been sending me wishes and praying for my recovery. Thanks a lot. It is at these times, when I feel happy and grateful to all of you out there.
It will take much more time for my recovery and I still feel very weak with all those medicines and all.
It is summertime here. Very hot during the day. I am really worried about my garden, as water scarcity has hit our water supplies. I still somehow try to water all my plants myself in spite of my illness. I need to move some of them into shade-may be this week end I will get someone to do it for me. But still every summer there are causalities. It is really sad to loose plants.
One more big problem -termites. Can some one please tell me what to do. I lost two full grown mango trees and some plantain trees in the past few years. Now I am battling for the life of Yellow Champaka (Magnolia) known as Simhachala Sampenga in Telugu. I brought it from Simhachalam. One old lady was selling the sapling just outside the entrance of Simhachalam Lord Narasimha Swami's temple. I think of it as Prasad from the Lord. Nothing seems to work with these termites.
Well any way, I leave with these yellow button roses that bloomed in my garden recently. To all my friends and well wishers.....